For Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, the Native American storyline has been revised particularly when it comes to Act II: Shadow, which has been completely rewritten.

What you might not expect are some of the content changes. Which is the expected path for a re-release. A majority of the updates to Age of Empires 3 with the definitive edition release are focused on quality of life improvements and making the game a bit more accessible to players right from the start. The Home City content is now available for players right from the start, along with pre-made card decks so players can enjoy the mode without having to grind for each city and card unlock.

The Home City feature of the original AoE3 has also seen some updates to keep it more in-line with modern gaming standards. The game also has an internal tech tree now, along with an extended and scalable UI that should allow you to play more easily even on an ultrawide display. Like you’d expect from any definitive edition of a classic game, Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition comes with a number of graphic and UI improvements including a new modern hotkey preset that should feel a bit more comfortable than the classic hotkey layout.

The Definitive Edition will also come with its own post-launch support from Microsoft. The game also bundles all the previously released Age of Empires 3 content like “The War Chiefs” and “The Asian Dynasties” expansions along with two new game modes and two new civilizations. As its name suggests, Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition is an updated version of Age of Empires 3 which comes packaged with 4K graphic support, rebuilt 3D assets, a modernized UI, cross-play multiplayer, and enhanced audio.